Download PDF Health And Saftey Policy


As Managing Director of Drytech Construction Limited I am fully committed to the development of a positive Health and Safety culture throughout the Company. I see the standards defined in the Health and Safety at Work Acts as the minimum requirement and expect to exceed this in many areas.

I attach equal importance to the successful provision of Health and Safety as I do to any other aspects of our business. Moreover, I am convinced by providing a safe working environment we can improve our business performance.

Whilst I accept I have ultimate responsibility for the health and safety of our employees, I recognise the legal necessity to obtain competent health & safety advice. To this end, I employ an external Health & Safety adviser. I expect all staff to fully co-operate with every aspect of his duties.

I respect and value all the employees and intend to actively involve them with the health and safety issues. I welcome the attendance of the employees’ representative at the health and safety meetings which are convened every eight weeks. I expect all our staff to work in a health and safety manner, comply with all safe systems of work and not interfere with anything designed to reduce risks to health and safety. To ensure that the company meets its health and safety objectives, I will ensure we have:

  • Staff who are competent in their work discipline, aware of their health and safety responsibilities and do not put themselves or their work colleagues at risk when undertaking their duties.

  • A training plan, which identifies health and safety needs at all levels.

  • Identification of hazards and adequate assessment of risk to which my employees and others may be exposed.

  • Effective reporting and thorough investigation by our safety adviser of all accidents or ill health issues.

  • An effective and proactive health and safety management structure.

  • A set of annually defined and agreed management health and safety targets.

Details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety are set out in our policy document which I hope will be read by every employee during induction training. It is important all employees bring to the attention of the safety advisor any defect or shortfall in my arrangements for health and safety. This policy will be reviewed no later than 12 months from date of signature.